Quiz: Do You Argue Effectively? 

Answer the following questions True (T) or False (F): When we argue or fight, I don’t just talk, I also listen to my partner’s side of the story (T/F) When we argue, I will stay on the subject and I don’t tend to bring other issues up (T/F) In a fight or disagreement, I tend […]

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Quiz: Are You Afraid of Commitment?

Note: This is first of a three-part series. Dear Neil:  I am a 43-year-old educated, attractive and professional woman who has never been married.  I have left most of the men I have been involved with through the years.  Is there a way to tell if I am afraid of commitment? Anxious In Portland Dear […]

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Quiz: Are You Depressed?

Are you depressed?  Depression does not necessarily mean you’re just sad.  You might be more numb—not feeling much of anything—than sad. But some people are in deed sad, withdrawn from others as well as from themselves, and withdrawn from most of the activities that used to bring them pleasure and enjoyment. Take this quiz, adapted […]

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Quiz: Are You a Good Listener?

By far the most common complaint marriage counselors hear is the statement: “We can’t communicate.” There are many reasons why communication stops or becomes superficial and brittle, including poor conflict resolution, problem solving, compromising and negotiating skills; withholding information; keeping secrets from each other and becoming defensive—to name a few. But one of the most […]

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