Quiz: Are You Friends with the Person You Love?

Most satisfied couples will tell you that friendship is the most important ingredient in their relationship.  Think for a moment of a person that you would call a good friend–someone other than your partner–and see how many of the following statements apply to that relationship.  Put a check mark beside the statement if it applies. […]

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What Makes a Person Emotionally Unavailable?

Dear Neil:  What makes a person—namely a man—become emotionally unavailable?  Why do men seem to value being emotionally available far less than women?  What are some things a man could do to overcome being emotionally unavailable? Hurt in New York Dear Hurt:  I get so many questions from readers about this subject that repeating some […]

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What Happened to My Marriage?

Dear Neil:  Please help me understand what happened to my marriage.  In the beginning of our relationship, we were so close with each other:  we spent huge amount of time talking, going to movies and new restaurants, traveling, sharing hopes and dreams, romancing each other, continually making love.  We were always affectionate—touching each other, holding […]

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